Winston Salem Teach

Working Together to Transform Education in Winston-Salem and
Forsyth County 

Earn $50,700 while receiving a Master’s degree in Education

Winston-Salem TEACH is the story of three Winston-Salem institutions of higher education joining together to transform the quality of education in the city of Winston-Salem. WS-TEACH is committed to creating a pipeline of highly-effective teachers in high-need Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools.

To learn more about the specific licensure-area programs


(grades K-6)


(grades 9-12)


(grades K-12)

Winston-Salem TEACH Supporters

Community Patrons

Dr. Michael Abel and Jackie Stone
Josh and Monica Adams
The Alden Family
Drs. Rebecca & Rob Alexander
Dr. Richard and Connie Allman
Joe and Martha Allman
Christopher Bailey
Drs. Dan and Kristen Beavers
Richard and Jessica Bell
Dave and Betsy Bombick
Dr. Abbey Bourdon & Parker Schwartz
Mike & Wendy Brenner
Christi Broadway
John Bryant
Jennifer & Emily Carachure
Kenneth & Alice Day Clark
Woody Clinard
Mary Ann C. Davis
Courtney Fadley
Dr. Leah Farrell-Carnahan
Sara & Robbie Fischer
Ms. Lois Gerringer
Martha Golden
Dr. Anne Wofford and Mr. Alec Grossman
Will and Lesle Hege
Harris & Casey Henderson
Drs. Deirdre and David Herrington
The Hiller Family
Tony and Amanda Kaufman
Dr. Michael Lamb
The Lanford Family
George Laws
Joanna Long
Ross & Allie Mangin
The McCalla Family
Dr. Sally Meehan
Kelly Moore
Carol Moriarty
David & Julie Mullen
Andrea Eastman Mullins
Ramsey and Patrick Murray
Stephanie Ortiz
Caroline Oxford
Allison Rice
Mike and Debbie Robb
Christy and Todd Robinson
Stephen and Susan Robinson
David and Lisa Saunders
WM Allen Shelton
Kelly Simpson 
The Stewart-Kayser Family
Kyle Timmons
Sarah Vaala
Charlie & Elizabeth Vail
Tamika Walker
Ashley Accounting Solutions, LLC
Punctilious Photography