Thank you for your interest in the Winston-Salem TEACH.
If you have questions before you start your application, please indicate your interest or ask a question here.
Prospective residents will engage in a two-part application process, applying simultaneously to WS-TEACH and the appropriate Graduate School. Applicants must be accepted into both programs to become residents.
Winston-Salem TEACH applicants will be evaluated
on the following criteria:
- Strong content knowledge or record of accomplishment in the field or subject area to be taught
- A minimum cumulative 3.0 G.P.A
- Strong verbal and written communication skills, demonstrated through an application essay, resume, and interview
- An interest in and commitment to promoting excellence, student achievement, community, and humanity in high-need schools.
Unofficial Higher Education Transcripts
WS-TEACH Essay Response
WS-TEACH Essay Prompt:
Winston-Salem TEACH stands for Winston-Salem Teachers for Excellence, Achievement, Community, and Humanity. In a one-paragraph essay, please describe how your past experiences and interests contribute to WS-TEACH’s core commitments. Why does teaching for excellence, achievement, community, and humanity matter to you? How do you hope to grow from this experience?
Excellence: Our goal is to provide every child in WS/FCS high-need schools with the support and resources necessary to excel and achieve their full potential.
Achievement: The program seeks to develop teachers who are able to support students’ academic achievement in high-need schools.
Community: We are committed to collaborating with Winston-Salem families and partners to address the social, emotional, and educational needs of young people in WS/FCS high-need schools.
Humanity: We are invested in developing educators who use their skills, knowledge, and talents to better the lives of others.
After you submit your Winston-Salem TEACH application, please remember to also submit an application at the relevant licensure lead institution:
If you have any questions, as you complete these graduate school applications, please email the relevant licensure area lead at our partner institutions:
(grades K-6): Dr. Rebecca Jordan,
(grades K-12): Dr. Cynthia Williams Brown,
(grades 9-12): Dr. Alan Brown,